helping people with disabilities in Staffordshire in a small way, to improve their lives in a big way
If you would like to apply for a grant...........
Here's What You Need To Do
The Ruth Dickson Trust helps physically and mentally disabled people living in Staffordshire and since our foundation over forty years ago we have donated thousands of pounds in support of hundreds of deserving applicants. Applications normally come to us when all the usual avenues of support have drawn a blank and there’s nowhere else to turn to, and over the years we have responded very quickly to a wide range of urgent needs including home refurbishments; mobility scooters; specialist IT hardware and software; chairs and other equipment for the disabled; as well as much needed family respite care.
If you would like to be considered for a grant, complete the on-line Grant application form.pdf. It's a fillable PDF* so save it to your device when you've filled it in and then either send it as an e-mail attachment to us or print it out and send it by post to:
Duncan Dickson,
The Ruth Dickson Trust,
Blore Pipe Farm,
ST21 6PR.
* Windows users:
On the right hand side in the black bar above the form, you should see a download icon. Click the icon to download the blank form which you can then complete on your device. Alternatively you can fill in the form online and then click the icon which will give you the option of downloading it with or without your changes. Make sure you click the 'with changes' option and your completed form will then be downloaded.
Apple users:
When you open the pdf form, tap on the share icon and select "Share a Copy". Tap on "Continue" and select "Save to Drive" (this will only appear if the Google Drive app is installed on your device).
Open the Google Drive app and select the pdf. At the bottom, tap "Fill out Form". Enter your information and then at the top right, tap "Save". To save as a copy, tap "More ... > Save as".