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Requesting Your Support

Thank you for whatever you can do to help

If you'd like to donate

If you'd like to help the disabled in Staffordshire by making either a one-off or a regular donation, then please click on the Donate Now button below. It’s so easy to do and it will make such a difference to the work that we do. All donations to us go through CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) and you can donate either by making a card payment or through PayPal or through your CAF account. 


N.B. Don't forget Gift Aid on your donation. Gift Aid is an income tax relief designed to benefit charities so if you’re a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid will increase the value of your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate.  If you elect to Gift Aid your donation, CAF will automatically take care of it at no extra cost to you.

Alternatively you can send a cheque made payable to the Ruth Dickson Trust. Send it off in the post with a covering letter so we know who you are, to Duncan Dickson at the trust's registered address -  Blore Pipe Farm, Fairoak, Eccleshall, Staffordshire, ST21 6PR.

If however you'd like to use internet banking, get in touch and we'll let you have our bank account details.

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The Ruth Dickson Trust

(Charity Commission no: 504106)

Telephone: 01785 280553

Registered office: Blore Pipe Farm, Fairoak, Eccleshall, Staffordshire, ST21 6PR.

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©2019 by The Ruth Dickson Trust

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